Instrument Panel Fuse Block
The instrument panel fuse block is located under the instrument panel on the passenger side of the vehicle. Pull down on the cover to access the fuse block.
Fuse side
Fuses | Usage |
AIRBAG | Airbag |
AMP | Amplifier |
BCK/UP/STOP | Back-up Lamp/Stoplamp |
BCM | Body Control Module |
CNSTR/VENT | Canister Vent |
CTSY | Courtesy |
DR/LCK | Door Locks |
DRL | Daytime Running Lamps |
DRL 2 | GMC HID Only/Rear Fog Lamps-China Only |
DSPLY | Display |
FRT/WSW | Front Windshield Washer |
HTD/COOL SEAT | Heated/Cooling Seats |
HVAC | Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning |
IADV/PWR/LED | Inadvertent Power LED |
INFOTMNT | Infotainment |
LT/TRN/SIG | Driver Side Turn Signal |
MSM | Memory Seat Module |
PDM | Power Mirrors, Liftgate Release |
PWR MODE | Power Mode |
PWR/MIR | Power Mirrors |
RDO | Radio |
REAR WPR | Rear Wiper |
RT/TRN/SIG | Passenger Side Turn Signal |
SPARE | Spare |
SPARE | Spare |
STR/WHL/ILLUM | Steering Wheel Illumination |
Relay side

Relays | Usage |
LT/PWR/SEAT | Driver’s Side Power Seat Relay |
RT/PWR/SEAT | Passenger’s Side Power Seat Relay |
PWR/WNDW | Power Windows Relay |
PWR/COLUMN | Power Steering Column Relay |
L/GATE | Liftgate Relay |
LCK | Power Lock Relay |
REAR/WSW | Rear Window Washer Relay |
UNLCK | Power Unlock Relay |
DRL2 | Daytime Running Lamps 2 Relay |
LT/UNLCK | Driver’s Side Unlock Relay |
DRL | Daytime Running Lamps Relay |
SPARE | Spare |
FRT/WSW | Front Windshield Washer Relay |
Underhood Fuse Block
The underhood fuse block is located in the engine compartment, on the passenger’s side of the vehicle.
To remove fuses, hold the end of the fuse between your thumb and index finger and pull straight out.
Fuses | Usage |
A/C CLUTCH | Air Conditioning Clutch |
ABS MTR | Antilock Braking System (ABS) Motor |
AFS | Adaptive Forward Lighting System |
AIRBAG | Airbag System |
AUX POWER | Auxiliary Power |
AUX VAC PUMP | Auxiliary Vacuum Pump |
AWD | All-Wheel-Drive System |
BATT 1 | Battery 1 |
BATT 2 | Battery 2 |
BATT 3 | Battery 3 |
ECM | Engine Control Module |
ECM 1 | Engine Control Module 1 |
EMISSION 1 | Emission 1 |
EMISSION 2 | Emission 2 |
EVEN COILS | Even Injector Coils |
FAN 1 | Cooling Fan 1 |
FAN 2 | Cooling Fan 2 |
FOG LAMP | Fog Lamps |
FSCM | Fuel System Control Module |
HORN | Horn |
HTD WASH | Heated Windshield Washer Fluid |
HTD MIR | Heated Outside Rearview Mirror |
HVAC BLWR | Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Blower |
LT HI BEAM | Left High-Beam Headlamp |
LT LO BEAM | Left Low-Beam Headlamp |
LT PRK | Left Parking Lamp |
LT TRLR STOP/TRN | Trailer Left Stoplamp and Turn Signal |
ODD COILS | Odd Injector Coils |
PCM IGN | Powertrain Control Module Ignition |
PWR L/GATE | Power Liftgate |
PWR OUTLET | Power Outlet |
REAR CAMERA | Rear Camera |
RR APO | Rear Accessory Power Outlet |
RR DEFOG | Rear Defogger |
RR HVAC | Rear Climate Control System |
RT HI BEAM | Right High-Beam Headlamp |
RT LO BEAM | Right Low-Beam Headlamp |
RT PRK | Right Parking Lamp |
RT TRLR STOP/TRN | Trailer Right Stoplamp and Turn Signal |
RVC SNSR | Regulated Voltage Control Sensor |
SPARE | Spare |
Stop Lamps (China Only) | Stop Lamps (China Only) |
STRTR | Starter |
TCM | Transmission Control Module |
TRANS | Transmission |
TRLR BCK/UP | Trailer Back-up Lamps |
TRLR BRK | Trailer Brake |
TRLR PRK LAMP | Trailer Parking Lamps |
TRLR PWR | Trailer Power |
WPR/WSW | Windshield Wiper/Washer |
Relays | Usage |
A/C CMPRSR CLTCH | Air Conditioning Compressor Clutch |
AUX VAC PUMP | Auxiliary Vacuum Pump |
CRNK | Switched Power |
FAN 1 | Cooling Fan 1 |
FAN 2 | Cooling Fan 2 |
FAN 3 | Cooling Fan 3 |
FOG LAMP | Fog Lamps |
HI BEAM | High-Beam Headlamps |
HID/LO BEAM | High Intensity Discharge (HID) Low-Beam Headlamps |
HORN | Horn |
IGN | Ignition Main |
LT TRLR STOP/TRN | Trailer Left Stoplamp and Turn Signal Lamp |
PRK LAMP | Park Lamp |
PWR/TRN | Powertrain |
RR DEFOG | Rear Window Defogger |
RT TRLR STOP/TRN | Trailer Right Stoplamp and Turn Signal Lamp |
Stop Lamps (China Only) | Stop Lamps (China Only) |
TRLR BCK/UP | Trailer Back-up Lamps |
WPR | Windshield Wiper |
WPR HI | Windshield Wiper High Speed |
WARNING: Terminal and harness assignments for individual connectors will vary depending on vehicle equipment level, model, and market.